考完试的隔一天, 我们又出去啦~ 昨天晚上约了KELVEN他们今天1pm见, 所以晚上我把闹钟调好1145am醒来, 可是电话在1130am时响了, 原来是♥bie♥,打来叫我开门,还以为我在发梦, 我的眼睛还半开着,灵魂还没飞回来, 外面还下着雨, 他真的出现在我面前, 拿着一包东西, 还说是买给我的早餐, 有点不敢相信, 你相见我就说啦~嘻嘻 可是,天啊~ ♥bie♥你早了点吧!! 哈哈^^ 但很开心,特地上完课来找我, 2pm还要回去上课, 你的出现让我无法入睡~ 和他聊聊天下就去冲凉准备了 过后他载我去KELVEN的宿舍, 竟然还没准备好,烂透了~ 过后就出发往MUNN家去,要载她! 然后我们去吃午餐,吃饱就往GURNEY出发, 去问工,等着MUNN & KELVEN在填资料的时候, 在GURNEY PAKSON FITTING ROOM拍了些照片过后就去了麦当劳买冰淇淋吃,我的GOD啊~把冰淇淋吃到像WAN TANG(云吞),这是他自己说的 JEN VS GOD ICE CREAM可是我不觉得, 像屎多点~因为他最爱就是吃大便 哈哈哈哈~ 吃完就回宿舍了,回到倒床就睡, 从7点睡到10点, 起来冲凉准备, 过后就和室友借车去KELVEN宿舍, 带电脑去他家上网,去到肚子饿,偷他们的面煮来吃0245am我还在他们的宿舍, 仗争打起来啦,fire in the war.. KELVEN`s leg vs GOD`s LP ball wuu huu~ below 18 cant see it!!! some pictures and video show here! ngek ngek.. enjoy~winner is KELVEN loser is GOD
140909 is the last subject for me (ACCOUNTING) 2-4pm at CA need to study again, yesterday slept at 4am+ around 230pm just woke~ wow... I'm really pig la~hehe^^ take a shower,then go out with the couple to Gurney MCD, when we arrived gurney, traffic jam,so many cars, car park full at all, so we plan to go GREENLANDMCD, still the same, no place to park our car, then decided to Queensbay Mall, wow~ damn hungry at car, arrived Queensbay we went to MCD for our lunch and study there,
THE COUPLE=BING WEI + XIAO SI JEN HERE~ finished ate is time to K book again..sigh* rest awhile,take pictures and online, chated in msn with RONALD but me almost online there and listened music, cant concentrate at all, cause my *UNCLE VIN* work there, hmmm...cant wait to see him^^ always think bout go his work place find him! HAHA.. after this exam, our HOLIDAYS is start, erm.. find a job?work in PADINI? go back PERAK for 2 weeks rest? trip of KL? hmmm... i don't know~ will plan after exam...